

Service Guide: Support for Organizational / HR Development

At HR Fabula, in addition to our extensive experience in organizational development and human resources development, we can also draw on our vast experience in various strategic human resources management consultancy, allowing us to develop and implement training and action learning workshop programs that correspond directly to your company’s current situation and needs.

Support for the planning, design, and implementation of human resources development (education and training) programs
Thinking about medium and long term human resources development programs that take into account the corporate philosophy, business strategies, and labor market environment, we offer support and training for leadership development, manager education, and professional learning programs.

Support for the planning, design, and implementation of leadership and management development programs
In order to survive in these highly competitive times, it is necessary for the next generation to take the lead in thinking about the future of the business / company from a strategic point of view. Taking into account management’s thinking and ideas, along with the future direction of the business, we offer planning, design and implementation support for programs that deal with the future of the company, which in turn will lead to the future success of the business.

Support for the design of global management organizational structures and corporate governance systems
The era where it was fine to just deliver good products or run things from your Japan headquarters is over. It has also become commonplace for foreign companies to suddenly become a member of Japanese group companies through mergers and acquisitions. We offer support related to organizational structure or communication management, in order to help solve issues such as what paths local group companies should take, or how the head office can implement effective corporate governance, from a strategic point of view.

Support for the planning, design and implementation of organizational development and change management programs
We are ready to support your departure from the outdated management style of Japan’s boom years to a modern culture of innovation appropriate for the current low-growth era. We support the implementation of diversity and inclusion, as your organization implements collective learning, thinking, and execution of strategies, which will allow your corporate culture to be collectively reformed and developed from a business point of view.