Human Resources Development Training: Sample Programs
Organizational Development / Restructuring and Human Resources Development Related Projects
Human resources development related projects
- Director training / management training programs
- Leadership training programs for high potential staff / next-generation leaders
- Assessor training programs: evaluation essentials, goal setting, performance evaluation, feedback interviews, etc
- Personnel system training programs: understand, measure, and set goals related to professional ability, functions, duties, and job-competency
- Management training for retail store managers
- Strategic processes / logical thinking training programs
- Compliance and risk management training programs
- Communication / coaching training programs
- Training programs for making presentations
- Planning and implementation of global human resources development programs
- Management training programs utilizing the balanced scorecard tool for goal setting
- Workshops / training programs for identifying, organizing, and finding solutions to key issues
Projects related to prganizational development and organizational reform
- Analysis of corporate culture / design of organizational reform programs
- Design and implementation of change management programs
- Planning and facilitation of organizational behavior reform for Cross Functional Team (CFT)
- Planning, running, and facilitating management workshops
- Employee behavioral analysis / employee engagement surveys and analysis
- Harassment level analysis and design of behavioral change programs
- Diversity survey analysis and design of reform programs